Our committee met last week and after much consideration we have taken the decision that it is not possible to hold a procession this year. We are disappointed we have had to make this decision but It is due to a number of factors. The ongoing pandemic continues to cause uncertainty. We also realise that the timing of the event on 11th September will mean that it will be extremely difficult for entrants to organise floats in the available time. We have also been unable to book any bands due to their own planning difficulties. HOWEVER, we are still planning a carnival event on the 11th September 2021, 12 – 4pm and it will be held in the playing field at Ridgeway School. It will take the form of the field event usually held at S E Davis. There will be lots going on including stalls, entertainment and plenty of activities for all the family, more information will be advertised as plans progress. We do hope you will be able to come along. Thank you for your ongoing support and we hope to see you on 11th September. We cannot wait to get back together and Celebrate.
Along with our themed entertainment, we have many other attractions including rides, entertainment, stalls and competitions together with music and a licensed bar.
Be Part of Carnival Field
Stall Applications
Are you a small business interested in applying for a stall as part of this years carnival? To apply for your stall on Carnival Field, please complete the application forms
If you have any queries regarding stall bookings please call Charlotte Shepard on 07912091702 or email charlotte.shepard@astwoodbankcg.co.uk
Classic, Vintage and Custom Car Show.
For 2021, the Astwood Bank Carnival will be hosting a Classic Vehicle Display. If you would like to show your Classic, Vintage or Custom Vehicle, whether it is a Car, Motorcycle, Agricultural or Militray, just download and complete the form below. All vehicle applications must be submitted by 31st August
If you have any queries regarding vehicle entry applications please contact Rob Lomas via rob.lomas@astwoodbankcg.co.uk